An evening of celebrating the county was held Thursday night as the Jasper County Chamber of Commerce held Jasper on the Move and its 59th awards banquet at Delta Plantation in Hardeeville. The chamber presented eight awards to individuals and businesses. The Earl Williams Band performed.
Gen. Lloyd “Fig” Newton won the prestigious Sergeant Jasper Award. Newton, a Ridgeland native, is a retired U.S. Air Force four-star general. He flew 269 combat missions in south Vietnam and 79 missions over north Vietnam. Newton, who has more than 4,000 flying hours, commanded 13 bases and more than 43,000 active duty members. Newton’s military service was from 1966 to 2000.
“His commitment to this great country, the freedoms none of us take for granted and his love for his home, Jasper County, will always be acknowledged by each of us,” said Marty Sauls, president of the Chamber of Commerce.
Newton, a founding member of the Polaris Tech Charter School Committee, said he was surprised by the recognition.
“It’s always been my real honor to say, ‘I’m from a little town in South Carolina, by the name of Ridgeland,’ ” Newton said. “Being able to accept this award in the honor of Sergeant Jasper is absolutely awesome.”