Jasper Chamber’s Big Thursday Oyster Roast in Ridgeland

Jasper Chamber’s Big Thursday Oyster Roast in Ridgeland

Buy a Clemson or a Carolina ticket and wear your favorite school’s colors to the event. The Chamber will fly the flag for the team with the most supporters until next year!
Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Tickets are available at the Chamber of Commerce.
Its all you can eat Oysters, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, Beer & Wine.
This year’s event will include a silent auction, as well as a chance to win a Browning A5 Stalker 3.5″ 12 gauge 26″ shotgun, and a chance to win an oyster cooker.
If you would like to become a sponsor or donate an item/service for the silent auction or need more information contact us at the Chamber Offices
843-726-8126 (Ridgeland) and 843-784-3630 (Hardeeville).
2021-09-29T15:38:23-04:00 November 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|