Chelsea Plantation has a New Owner

Chelsea Plantation has a New Owner

With his recent acquisition of Chelsea Plantation in Ridgeland, SC, Bryan McClure has made a significant personal investment in Jasper County by making the historic plantation his family home.

Why Chelsea?

“The location and setting are absolutely spectacular and could never be duplicated.  It’s truly a one of a kind property and we feel very honored to own it.”

 What are your plans for Chelsea? 

 “We realize that the property is in the path of growth and that it is prudent to periodically evaluate the development options…but we do not have any immediate plans.  In the meantime, we are committed to trying to preserve as much of the rich history and tradition as possible.  We had our first annual Dove hunt in September and guests attended from all over the country.  It was a big hit.”

Do you have any current Jasper county projects?

McClure’s Real Estate Development firm, ROI Real Estate, is a multi-state commercial development firm that specializes in Retail and Multi-Family commercial projects across the southeast.

For the past decade, McClure has made substantial investments in Jasper County in both Hardeeville and Ridgeland.  “We have several exciting projects that we are working on at this time in Jasper County” said McClure.  He is currently developing two separate projects along the I-95 Corridor at Exit 8 and Exit 21. McClure purchased the 82-acre former Butterfly Kingdom site at exit 8 and envisions a Mixed-Use Commercial development to include Multi-Family Residential.   At exit 21, on the former Daniel Defense Site, McClure has plans for another Industrial user.

Marty Saul’s, Chamber President, states that “Bryan’s commitment to Jasper County over the years has been extremely valuable to the growth of our area.  He has chosen to focus on this area and we feel lucky to have his involvement.  Now that Bryan and his family have chosen to live in Jasper County hopefully he will continue to invest here.”  The Jasper Chamber has hosted events over the years on the lawn of Chelsea Plantation.

2024-12-23T19:31:23-05:00 November 14th, 2019|Uncategorized|