
Big Thursday Jasper Chamber Oyster Roast

Jasper County Farmers Market - Ridgeland,SC

Make plans now to attend the fabulous 2022 Annual Big Thursday Oyster Roast to be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 6:00 until 9:00 pm. This year’s event will [...]


The Jasper Chamber offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday.


The Chamber offices will be closed for the Christmas Holiday.

New Year’s Day

The Jasper Chamber offices will be closed for the New Year Holiday.

Presidents’ Day

The Jasper Chamber offices will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day.

Memorial Day

The Jasper Chamber offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.

State of Jasper County Breakfast

Lakeside at Blue Heron 153 James L. Taylor Drive, Ridgeland, SC

Top elected officials of Jasper County have been invited to share their vision.

$15 – $25